
Showing posts from 2015

[Just anything]

I found this words in Facebook and I wanted to keep this somewhere I can find easily, so I copy this down here. This writing is from Michael Kim(?) Several weeks ago I met a friend who came to visit New York. During our conversations she kept on asking me for an advice on life. I was taken aback a little not because I was startled by her request but because I wasn't sure whether I am to give such an advice to anyone. But it has been on and off my mind for the past few weeks. And here is what I came up with. It's not much, very simple, and we may already know things like this. But I believe it'll be useful if we'd revisit  it for a moment and think about it. So here we go...^^ For the young and old I cherish: Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be happy? Do you want to make the right decisions and do the right things in life? Do you want to meet that right person? Then, ask yourself some serious questions about yourself! I am not talking about the cliche...

[Mumbling] Self reflection

I used to be a good person who pursues good ... Gosh, my English is not getting any better... I  am going to write in Korean now. 내가 너무 많이 변한 것에 적지 않게 놀랐다. 내가 어떤 동료교사에게 느끼는 불만을 다른 동료교사에게 고자질 하는것이 자연스럽고 편안함을 느끼고 있는 나를 발견한다. 오 주여! 그 전에 나로 돌아가고 싶다. 20대시절에는 주님 앞에서 거룩하고 정결하게 살고 싶어했었고 정말 그렇게 살려고 발버둥 쳤는데, 지금의 나는 "세상사는게 다 그렇지 뭐, 서로 이런 가십도 얘기하고 해야 관계도 형성되고 그런게 세련된 사회생활이다"라고 착각하면서 살아왔다. 왜 나는 이렇게 변해가는 걸까... 왜 나는 성경말씀대로 살고 싶어하는 간절함이 사라지는 걸까. 그렇게 살고 싶다면 성경말씀을 알아야 할텐데 그 말씀을 읽고 싶어하는 마음조차 희미해 진걸 목격한다. 바른양심에 따라 남에게 피해 안주면서 사는것이 선한 삶이라는 생각이 나도 모르는 사이에 마음 깊숙이 형성된 것 같다. 순수하게 뜨거워지고 싶다. 주님 말씀안에서 열정을 가지고 살고 싶다. 하나님 나라와 그분이 창조하시고 사랑하시는 이 세상 그분의 자녀답게 아름답게 살아가고 싶다. 이제 가십하는것, 불평하는 것을 멈추어야 하겠다. 그런것이 전혀 하나님 보시기에 아름답지 않다는 것을 이제 깨달은 것 같다. 깨닫게 되어서 참 다행이다. 8/19/15, 1:51 PM

[Mumbling] Motivation and people around me.

I am not so motivated nowadays. I need inspiration. I even tried to watch inspirational videos in Youtube yesterday but it was not so helpful. When I came back from Korea, I was so rejuvenated and energized. However, it only last long for about two weeks of school. It is third weeks now and I am already overwhelmed by all things to grade and handled with. I have 162 students to take care and reach out. As a mere ordinary person, I only can do much I can. If I am self motivated, I would be much happier than now. I need somebody's help. I think that is God. When the thought came up to me, I realized that I want to talk to Kathy Gleason. I need to talk to Kathy Gleason who is so special so I cannot help saying "extremely special" on earth. I have not talked to her for more than two months. I am just so blessed to know her and have her in my life. She saved me in many difficult situations both emotionally and physically.She is calm and wise, kind and wise, fun and wise, ...


학교에서 1교시 폴더를 채점하고 있는데... 너무 하기 싫다. 아 힘들어.