
Showing posts from 2010

[Mumbling] Merry Christmas

It is the day what people commemorate as Jesus's birthday. And it is also a day of my the only brother Daehyun's brithday. I pray for him that his life is filled with joy and peace in Christ. The joy and peace is not necessrily meant to be emotional status of human being. I rather mean the joy and peace which can be among hardship in life. Although he might confront hardship while he is living on earth, I wish he is able to rejoice to Jesus Christ, for his the only Lord and for his great Father.  I do hope he always possess mentally, spiritually, and physically well being status though..

[Everyday life] Christmas eve

I am in Lebanon, Ohio now. I'll go to St. Patrick's Episcopal Church at 10 p.m. for candle light service.

[Mumbling] Desperation

Have I ever lived desperately for something?

[Everyday life] Encountering with Swati

I already knew that I was going to meet Swati at Sherin's farewell party, but I still want to call the meeting was encountering since we never planned to meet each other before even though we share a friend. She has a beautiful 9 month old baby girl and got married to Mr.Douglas. I was very glad to meet her again. Swati and her daughter Mia and Sherin  Sherin and her friend, Mia, and Swati 

[Everyday life] Yena and Yejune.

I watched "Dr. Horrible's Sing-along blog" by being introduced from Ye-June. I laughed not because it was hilarious but because of its non-senseTICAL situations. I wish I could understand humor in English well. I am pretty sure that the show was full of satire and humor, however, I could not catch any one of them. So sad...

[Mumbling] Super sad..

Because I was preparing tutor for Sean, I could not help but missing Peter's one. I only had 10 minutest to go to Peter's place and I felt the schedule is too tight to travel all the way to Peter's and come back to school by 6 p.m. tonight. After I have arrived at home, however, mixed thoughts have been kept coming into my mind. If I did tutor for Peter, I could have been paid enough and that would be so helpful for my rent and gas. O well, that was what I choose today. I will choose better one tomorrow in every moments.

[School] Jefferson school

Choir 7:30 - 11:00 And also I will conduct the choir at 6:30 p.m. for the school night. Jingle Bells : Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tail ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot We got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot Rockin around the christmas tree : Rocking around the Christmas Tree at the Christmas party hop Mistletoe hung where you can see Ev'ry couple tries to stop You will get a sentimental feeling When you hear voices singing "Let's be jolly; De...

[School] Harrison Primary School

ESL class 8:00 - 11:30

[School] Swanson Primary Center

Physical Education 8:00 - 2:30

[Everyday life] Snow day, Dental office, and Barnes and Noble

I went to see a dentist at Douglas Rd. I needed to replace the fallen golden filler to my upper left molar. I paid $104 for Amalgam-2 surf. Pri/Perm for this treatment. After that I went to Barnes and Noble. Around 5:30 p.m. I went to the U.P. Mall for dinner with Rev. Jae-Chun Jo, Amy Jo, and Jennifer.

[Everday life] Christmas Production

"Once Upon a Midnight Clear" by Granger Community Church

[School] John Adams High School

Foreign language- Frach 7:30-2:55

[Everyday life] Cambodian Thai Restaurant

I had dinner with Seungyoon, Kihoon, Minjoo, Minhyuk, and Eunzi.

[School] Dickinson Intermediate Fine Arts Academy

11:05 - 3:00 Physical education

[School] South Bend Alternative high school

8:40-4:00 Language art

[School] Riely Early College High School

7:30 ~ 2:45 Social Studies - 9th grade   

[Everyday life] Gathering with Misun, Gihoon, Jusung, Youngho, and Hwayong.


[School] John Adams High school

7:30 - 2:45 Scocial studies

[School] Riely high school

8:30-12:30Music- Choir

[School] Washington high school

Wednesday, 12/1/2010 7:30-12:00 Math-Algebra I Ms. Martin's class

[Everyday life] Last day of November, 2010

Time goes so fast.

[Prayer] Thank you Lord.

하늘에 계신 우리 아버지,  신성함이 당신의 이름에 있으며,  당신의 나라가 오며, 천국에 당신의 뜻이 이루어져 있는 것 같이, 이 땅에서도 이루어 질 것입니다. 저에게 오늘의 양식을 주시고, 우리가 서로 지은죄를 용서하여 준 것 같이 우리의 죄를 용서해주세요.  시험에 들게 하지 마시고, 악한 것에서 부터 우리를 옮겨 주세요. 나라와 권세와 영광이 영원토록 주님께 있습니다. 아멘. Lord, thank you for allowing me to have this wonderful life. I am so glad to meet and know many these different people and learn many different things from these relationships.

[School] Washington high school

Language Art

[School] Brown Intermediate Center

Math classes 11:15-2:55 I explained about G.C.D. to 7th graders and they liked how I explained it to them and showed Korean style of factoring.

[Everyday life] I've been thinking that

what's wrong

[Mumbling] Do not envy but you just do it.

Yes, why don't you just shut up and just do it. Read the Bible, pray with the words, act promptly what you are supposed to do. And just be always aware what you are thinking, speaking, and acting in every moment. Those are scanned by the Lord. One more thing, gluttony was used to be one of the seven deadly sins in Christiaity traditions, and I think it should be still regarded as an evil thing to do for myself.

[Everyday life] Sheila's wedding.

It was Sheila's wedding today. I enjoyed this wedding so much.

[School] John Adams High scool

Social studies

[School] Harrison primary scool

4th grade ESL class I realized that how I look strange from children who have not yet many experiences to interact with another races such as Asian. Especially, the Hispanic children asked me directly if I am a Chinese. Even if I told them I am a South Korean, but they have still wondered why I am look a like a Chinese. Not only that but also when I walked down the hall way, couple of students, no, many students looked at me and talked to each other with curious eyes. It was so funny and interesting because I felt like I am a person who is a main character of a book or a movie, and I could feel how they would have actually felt in that moment.  I am glad that I have such an experiance. It become my asset again.

[School] Riely High School

Motivation. Where the motivation comes from? Some students just strive their excellence of their academic aheivements but some don't. Today, when I observed the AP U.S. History class, I was so surprised that some students just work hard. And the group of this class is just so amazingly listend whatever I tell them.

[School] Riley High school

Sociology/A.P. U.S. History I really appreciate that I am working as a substitute teacher. I am truly learning a lot from this job. I am learning different style of teaching/managing classroom strategies. Especially, this time I learn how classroom rule is important to students not only because for their sake of learning environment but also for their civilization for this society when they are out form the school zone.

[Everyday life] Substiute teacher and tutor

I am tutoring Calculus, Precalculus, and Algebra II. I am a substitute teacher at South Bend School Corporation, IN.

[Mumblig] Even if it is a bleak outlook.

If I am breathing and living for now, God has given me a chance again. He is so patience and merciful. 절망적이었다. 그런데 오늘 나는 눈을 떳고, 오늘을 살고 있고, 그건 내가 살아야 할 이유가 있는, 하나님이 나에게 다시 주신 기회가 아닌가. 절망이 희망으로 바뀌는 순간이다.

[School] English composition class at Clay high school

Research paper. Preliminary outline and a theseis statement, opening paragraph. 2nd - 6th periods Honor classes, AP writing, regular classes.

[Mumbling] Transparency

I wish I am transparent.

[School] Sub-teaching for Social studies at Washington high school

I substituted for AP History and American History classes. I met some of my students that I have missed a lot. I especially met DeAndrea at the American History class, and he was doing great. Lauren was saying hi to me through other student, Emily and Ryan stopped by me to say hi and Jordan was came by me to say hi too. I was so glad to hear from them, they all asked me to come back and why I left.. I could not answer but I loved to see them. I really wish a good luck for their life and classes.

[Identity] As a daughter

I am not a good daughter for my parents. I am sorry for what I did to them. They are wonderful dad and mom who have been taking care of me so well. I have never been in emotional crisis, physical dangerous, or any financial deficiencies. But how about me as their daughter? I have hurted my mom's feeling many times either intentionally or unintentionally. I have disappointed my dad in many ways. Fianlly, I want to be a tree for them where they can stay and get some rest.

[Everyday life] mission KOSTA 참석

mission KOSTA 주최(김성모 선교사님)와 대학촌교회(박상춘 목사님) 의 호스트로 Ann Arbor, MI에서 2박3일간의 짧은 컨퍼런스가 열렸었다. 주 강사로는 정민영 선교사님(Wycliffe International)이 수고해 주셨다.  많은 것을 배우고 느낄 수 있는 뜻 깊은 시간이었다.  내 생각에 36명정도가 참석했었던 것 같은데 대학촌교회에서 참석한 인원까지 합치면 40명에서 50명 정도 있었던 것 같다. 다양한 위치에 있는 사람들이 하나님 나라에 관한 선한 마음으로 모여 고민하고 다시한번 우리의 위치를 생각해 볼 수 있는 자리였다. 우리조는 제 2조였고 조현정, 정재석, 김주형, 이미영, 강태욱, 전미연 이렇게 총 6명이 참석하였다. 미영이는 예쁘고 순수하신 어머니와 함께 찹석했고, 현정언니는 시카고에서 ESL을 전공하고 선교에 대한 마음이 신학공부에 대한 부담감으로 이어져 고민하던 중 참석하였고, 재석오빠는 요식업에 종사하시는데 최근 주님을 다시한번 그리스도로 영접하였으며 하나님 나라에 조금이라도 보탬이 되고 싶어하는 겸손한 마음을 가지신 분이었다.우리에게 일식집에서 서브하는 레서피 시크릿을 알려 주기도 하였다. 주형이는 nurse practitioner 로 차분하고 지적이지만 아주 쿨한면이 돋보이는 자매였다. 나와는 많은 대화를 나누지 못해 아쉽지만, 마음속에 품고 있는 하나님 나라에 대한 사명감이 대단한 자매처럼 보였다.  미영이는 굉장히 예쁜 외모에 연예인의 끼까지 겸비한 dental 전공의 였다. 어머니도 참으로 순수하시고, 나중에 날 위해서 울면서 축하해 주시기까지 하셨는데 어찌나 감사하고 나도 마음이 따뜻해 졌는지 모른다. 주님의 나라는 이렇게 조용히 그렇지만 간절한 마음으로 하나님의 마음을 함께 느끼고 있는 사람들에게 먼저 임하여 지고 있는 것이 아닐까.  강태욱 형제는 물...

[Everyday life] 나는 언제쯤 변하게 될까.

어제 성경공부 좋았다. 오늘 mission KOSTA에 참석한다.

[School] Physical education at Perley primary school

Each class has 40 minutes period, total of 5 classes. I was surprised that when I had introduced myself as a Korean, the 2nd and 4th grade children asked me about 2NE1. 과연 가정교육과 학교교육 그 어느것이 아이를... 혹은 유전적 요인과 환경적 요인 그 어느것이 아이를...

[School] Substitute teaching at Warren Primary School in S.B., IN

 I arrived in Warren primary school at 11:30 a.m. on Friday. I was assigned as a sub. teacher for ESL classroom for 1st and 2nd graders. I was pretty nervous since I had still felt afraid after the trauma of recent teaching experiance at W. high school.  However, when I went to the classroom, Mrs.Bumbaca welcomed me well and that made me feel relieved from those anxieties. Moreover, there were two more assistant teachers.  Cute little girls and boys were mostly Hispanic. They were about 22 children whose ages around 7 to 8 years old, though I think two or so might be more than 9 years old. There were a child who were under served of special education for mild mental retardation.  I am very glad that I had chances to think about "education" and aslo to look around public primary school in SB, IN.  The children were so diciple in rules and everthing. They knewo how t...

[School] Teaching Algebra II experiance at W.high school in urban area.