
Showing posts from September, 2011

[Mumbling] 그리움이라는것은..

나는, 무얼 그렇게 그리워하는가? 끊임없이 나는 무엇인가를 찾고 있고 또 그리워하고있다. 그 무엇인가는 시간일수도있고공간일수도있으며사람일수도있다. 지금이시간그그리움의실체를곰곰히생각해보자.내가그리워하고있고잘때꿈꾸고싶어하고있는것이과연무엇인지를. 분명나는오늘날의나의삶을즐기고있으며행복한순간이라고느끼고사는날들이참으로많다.그럼에도불구하고나는왜다른한편으로그렇게도무엇인가를그리어하고있는것일까? 그리움이라는것은본질적으로내가경험했던것들에대한추억에관한것일것이다 생각해보면나는참추억이라는것을소중하게간직하고살아가고있는사람이다.내가다녔던유치원,초중고등학고,대학교,직장,자주다녔던골목,참여했던단체들,친구들,가족들,선생님들,교회목사님들,선배와후배들,또스쳐지나갔던많은사람들. 요즘나는유독2002년과2003,2004년을떠올리는날이많아졌다.그시기가내인생에있어'어림'막바지에이른가장절정의순간이었기때문이라. 왜난이행복한오늘날들을즐기면서도다른한편으로지나간날들을그렇게도그리워하는것일까!

[School] Early College Program, Riley Highschool

Physical Education/Health Teacher

[Mumbling] Last summer

I had wonderful days in Seoul during this summer. I met many people and the time I spent with them will be my good memories. I am just so glad that I had some experiances of HiGiPpum Church. That special church a lot reminded me my younger days back in 2003. I miss a lot and my heart feels so much about Hanshi and Hanshi people. When the time comes and I am in heaven with God, if he asks me the time when I would like to go back and see, I will say that I really liked about my life and I want to look all the same days with all the same people of my life again. I especially want to go back in 2002-2004 again. At those hot summers! The summers are just unforgetable for me. I had never met any those beautiful people. I did not even know their name or talk to them at all, however, we were mere servent for our Lord and we were just so satisfied. We were ju...