
[Mumbling] Thankfulness

 Life is amazing. I am so terrible in many ways and not a forgivable person but the Lord is so kind to me.  I got into an accident on Aug. 7, 2023. It was truly a traumatic and painful event for me. I could have died but then it turned out I am not only alive but also have been given so much love from the whole world. I was constantly being checked and/or visited by so many people from all around.  On the site of the accident, there were many people out there for me. It was supportive and comforting for me while I was insane at the moment until I was delivered to the hospital in Round Rock. I am truly thankful to Dr. Miller, Luke, Charlie, Ryan, Mr. Harless, the EMS and ambulance guys, and anonymous ladies and gentlemen. It was really hard to aware of what was going on and how I was responding to the outputs.  to be continued...

[Mumbling] Sunday

 I went to Covenant Presbyterian Church today first time. I liked this church a lot. I'll attend this church a few more times and want to be connected and build a relationship with people in this community. I hope this works out well for me. I want to live my life fully and purposefully. If it is not too bad to say then I want to leave a legacy behind me. Every human leaves something behind them in this human history, whether it is dust or its shiny name.   

[Journal] A New Year 2023

 12/31/2021 What kind of person am I now living in this world? Am I genuine and am I now the best version of myself?  Is this the life you were longing for this many years?  Am I influencing or influenced? Do I love and be loved? Why am I so bitter and hardened? Where do I find the truth and life? What kind of people am I attracted to and associated with? Am I ready for this coming new year 2023? Time is short and I don't know how many years are left for me on earth.   


 I'm going to fly and move to someplace else this summer. July 4th is the last day in Fairmount. 

[Journal] 주님을 찬양할수밖에...

할렐루야, 주님 당신을 찬송합니다. 나는 너무나도 능력없는 사람인데, 우리 학생들은 주님의 은혜덕분에 테스트결과가 누구보다도 더 잘 나왔다. 4년전 그때도 하나님은 나를 위로해 주셨는데 지금도 변함없이 주님을 나를 위로해주신다. 나는 약한데 주님이 강하심을 온 삶을 통해 체험하고 살아가니 나는 복된 사람이다. 하나님이 나를 너무나도 아껴주시고 사랑해주시니 몸둘바를 모르겠다. 하나님 참 감사합니다. 나는 보잘것 없는데 주님은 너무 나도 크시고 능력있으신 분이셔서 나를 보호해주시고 세워주신다. 하나님 참 감사합니다. 이제 주 그리스도 예수를 직접 전할 수 있는 기회들도 저에게 주세요. 그 기회들 속에서 나의 아버지 하나님을 바르게 전달 할 수 있는 언어능력도 저에게 주세요. 하나님 쵝오(최고)!!!!!


I love my life. It is June 2nd, 2016. Time goes by so fast. It was last day of school. I am ready to being new life again!